The Negative side of ChatBot

The Negative side of ChatBot


AI-powered ChatBots

Round the clock availability is the major criteria for the modern day business. ChatBots fulfills this requirement using Artificial Intelligence that simulates the conversations of the people. AI-powered ChatBots serves as the first point of contact between customers and organizations and also helps in reducing expenses. As digital revolution is taking place at high speed, ChatBots plays a vital role in this modern era of transformation.

ChatBots has tremendous potential to change the way we live in and has many good things which human can’t do. Here is the list of features of ChatBots:

  •  Bots overtake the mobile applications

  •  Nothing needs to be learned by the human

  •  Bots provide a great user experience

  •  Bots act as media for business and customer

Though ChatBot is a major innovation in AI, it has few disadvantages and potential risks. Here are some of the problems of ChatBots:

  • ChatBots has high error rate: They are just software systems and cannot capture variations in human conversations. Thus resulting high error rate and less customer satisfaction.

  • The problem of reliability: With advanced machine learning concepts, ChatBots are becoming highly skilled in imitating human conversations. Though it seems to be an advantage, it has another end also – as hackers can easily create bots to convince users to share personal information which is highly unsecured.

  • Bots can be too mechanical: ChatBots are pre-programmed by developers and can handle user queries when the conversation flow goes in a right path. If something unexpected which was not fed to that happens, the performance gets affected.

  • Risks of using standard web protocols: Though ChatBot has definitely a fair share of innovative features, it has a significant downside as these programs use open internet protocols and can be targeted by professional hackers.

  • Probable confusions affecting buying decisions: the major advantage of bot for buyers is they can be allowed to check products in the chat window itself instead of checking in online portals which cause probable confusion that affects the users buying decision.

  • Low-level job openings being eaten up: As Intelligent ChatBots are programmed using latest Artificial Intelligence support, ChatBots serves jobs much faster than human workers which increases the productivity of the business. ChatBots are acting as a substitute for humans which causes a serious threat to humans at low-level positions.

  • Fails the Turing Test: Turing test will be performed on ChatBots to measure the intelligence of machines. Most of the ChatBots do not pass this test risking the conversations unfulfilled. ChatBots might be highly intelligent, but they can’t think of themselves on their own which ends up in failure.

  • Data handling on ChatBot platforms: while using ChatBots, business has to track user data and follow clear-cut policy on how and where data has been stored. People must trust the ChatBots and consequently trust the business.

  • Lack of individuality and generic conversations: with the help of Natural Language Processing, ChatBots behave like humans with end users.  However, ChatBots does not have their own personality to come across too generic conversations. As there are no feelings and emotions, it becomes critical to interact with humans.

  • Accuracy: As ChatBots are still emerging, mistakes in speech recognition and natural language processing is still happening.

  • The need for encryption: every conversation that takes place in the bot should be encrypted to maintain digital data security. If it is deployed in the non-encrypted platform, there might be chances of data hijack.


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  • karuna reply

    Good informative article

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