Program Highlights
Skills Covered
Why ExcelR
- Create the Excel document with Test Scenarios Test cases and defect reports as per the template shared
- Create a Story in JIRA and attach the Sheet of test scenarios,test cases,and defect sheet.
- Create the 10 defects and provide the steps to reproduce them in detail
- Create the Excel document with Test Scenarios Test cases and defect reports as per the template shared
- Create a Story in JIRA and attach the Sheet of test scenarios,test cases,and defect sheet.
- Create the 10 defects and provide the steps to reproduce them in detail
Career Progression

Road Map of Manual Testing Course :

Course Curriculum
- Fundamentals of Testing
- What is Testing?
- Testing Principles
- What Is Software, Types of Software Application (Desktop, Web & Mobile), Types of Organizations
- Type of Domains
- Project & Team Members
- Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle
- Software Development Models (Overview of All Models) - SDLC
- Water Fall Model
- Agile Model, V Shape, Spiral Model (Adv & Dis-adv), Roles
- Agile Model, Scrum Framework, Roles, Ceremonies & Artifacts,
- Sprint, Scrum, Test Managment Tool (JIRA, ZEPHYR)
Lab Session:
- JIRA Tool Creating the Project, Test Cases, Basic Tool Handling
- Fundamental Test Process (Overview of Understanding Requirements and Creating Test Scenarios, Test design, Test Planning, Test Execution, Test Report)
Lab Session
- Understanding Requirements and Creating Test Scenarios
Test Types
- White Box Testing
- Black Box Testing
- Functional Testing
- Smoke & Sanity Testing
- Regression and Retesting
- User Acceptance Testing - Alpha & Beta Programs
- Non-functional Testing (Overview)
- Usability Testing
- UI UX Testing
- L10N, I18N, G11N Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Performance Testing
- Security Testing
- Development, QA, UAT, Prod
Test Levels
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- System Testing
- UAT Testing
- Prod Testing
- Experience-Based Techniques
- Tracibility Matrix & Test Coverage
- Defect Life Cycle, Priority & Severity of Defects
- Real Time Defect Reporting and Practicals
Lab Session
- JIRA Tool Set Up for Tracibility Matrix & Test Coverage
- ZEPHYR Tool: Defects Reporting
- Test Organization
- Test Plans, Estimates, and Strategies
- Test Progress Monitoring and Control
- Entry & Exit Criteria
Lab Sessions : Creating Defects in Jira
- Practilcals on Creating Defects in Jira
Lab Sessions : Creating Test Cases From Requirement
- Practical on Jira Tool for Assignements and Project Work
- API Testing (Manual Postman)
- Why API
- Types of API (Rest & SoapUI)
- API Collection
- Basic of API Testing (Get, Post, Put and Delete)
Lab Session
- Postman Setup, CRUD Functionalities
- What is Automation?
- Why Automation (Manual vs Automation)?
- Scope of Automation Tester in Market
- What is Selenium? Why Selenium?
- Advantages of Using Selenium?
Value Added Courses
- Introduction to Database
- What is Database? Database testing?
- Types of Database
- What is MYSQL?
- DDL - Data Definition Language
- DML - Data Manipulation Language
- DCL - Data Control Language
- DQL - Data Query Language
- Overview of Database
- MYSQL Commands
- What is RDBMS?
- What is table?
- What is field?
- What is column?
- What is NULL value?
- MYSQL Constraints
- MYSQL Constraints
- NOT NULL Constraint: Ensures that a column cannot have NULL value.
- DEFAULT Constraint: Provides a default value for a column when none is specified.
- UNIQUE Constraint: Ensures that all values in a column are different.
- PRIMARY Key: Uniquely identified each rows/records in a database table.
- FOREIGN Key: Uniquely identified a rows/records in any another database table.
- CHECK Constraint: The CHECK constraint ensures that all values in a column satisfy certain conditions.
- INDEX: Use to create and retrieve
- Aggregation Functions: (Mean, Max, Count) Group by, Sorting order
- SQL Statements and Joins
- MYSQL Syntax
- MYSQL SELECT Statement
- SQL Joins
- Understanding of Data Contract & Mapping Specifications
- Understanding of Data COntract
- Understanding of Mapping Specifications
- Creating Test cases from Requirement
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